
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

offered in Encino and Pasadena, CA
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder services offered in Encino and Pasadena, CA

The intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can disrupt your life on many levels. At Adelpha Psychiatric Group, the experienced psychiatric specialists understand the effects that OCD has on your physical, emotional, and mental health. They offer diagnostic evaluations in-office and through the online telehealth platform for adults and children with mild to severe OCD symptoms. Customized treatment plans are available to help you manage your condition and prevent it from getting worse. Call the Encino or Pasadena, California, office today to schedule an evaluation of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms or request an appointment online.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Q & A

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that causes patterns of intrusive thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

Many people with OCD suffer from fears and obsessions around a specific theme. For instance, you could experience an extreme fear of germs that triggers repetitive hand-washing or obsessive cleaning behaviors.

Adelpha Psychiatric Group offers diagnostic evaluations for OCD in adults and children. The experienced mental health team creates treatment plans to make your symptoms easier to manage.

When should I seek medical attention for obsessive-compulsive disorder?

You should schedule a diagnostic evaluation at Adelpha Psychiatric Group if you experience OCD symptoms. These can include:


Obsessions involve persistent, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that you can’t ignore. These obsessions give way to distress or anxiety. Intrusive thoughts and urges can include:

  • Fear of contamination
  • Thoughts of losing control
  • Inappropriate sexual thoughts
  • Needing things organized a certain way

These obsessions trigger strong, uncontrollable urges that you feel you can relieve with compulsions.


Compulsions describe repetitive behaviors you feel you must perform to relieve the restless, anxious feelings triggered by your obsessions.

You could repeatedly make sure that your doors are locked, wash your hands, or arrange your belongings in a particular way. Some OCD sufferers relieve stress by counting in specific patterns or touching objects a certain number of times.

Adelpha Psychiatric Group offers OCD screenings in the office and through the online telehealth platform. The team assesses your symptoms and overall physical health to confirm you have OCD.

How is obsessive-compulsive disorder treated?

Your OCD treatment plan will be based on the severity of your symptoms and their effect on your quality of life. Typically, people with OCD can effectively manage their symptoms with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

CBT is a form of psychotherapy (talk therapy) that aims to reduce your obsessive fears of objects or situations. Therapy provides you with tools to resist intense urges to perform repetitive behaviors (compulsions).


Psychiatric medications like antidepressants help reduce the severity of OCD symptoms in adults and children. The team provides medication management to help you find the drug and dosage that works best for you.

Call the Adelpha Psychiatric Group office near you today to schedule a diagnostic evaluation of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms or request an appointment online.